In Acts 2:21-22, we see that the early church’s life together wasn’t confined to Sunday mornings only. In the same way, our desire as a church is to encourage one another to love and good deeds throughout the week (Heb. 10:24-25). Faithful discipleship requires time. Here are some of the ways our faith family spends time together so that we can grow into a holy temple in the Lord (Ephesians 2:21-22, 4:11-16). We would love to have you join us in one of these discipleship opportunities!


Our Community Groups provide an opportunity for additional, more intimate fellowship, so we can better live out the “one anothers” of the New Testament. These groups often center around discussion of the previous Sunday’s sermon and prayer. Community Groups are designed to be a supplement to our corporate worship on Sunday. We encourage all members to consider participating in one of these soul-enriching groups!

Note: Most Community Groups take a break during the summer and resume meeting regularly in the fall. 

Sunday Evening: Pottle Community Group

2nd, 4th, and 5th Sundays of every month. Christian fellowship, sermon discussion, and prayer. All are welcome! Contact John Pottle (jfpottle@gmail.com).

Monday Evening: Herron & Quirin Community Group

Monday Evening:  Every other Monday from 5:30-7:00 PM.  Excellent group if you have young children.  Contact Matthew Herron (dancindoctor@yahoo.com).

Monday Evening: Partlow & Rader Community Group

Monday Evening:  2nd and 4th Monday of every month from 5:30-7:30.  Excellent group if you have young children.  Studying Colossians.  Contact Bryce Rader (bryce@cfcwilliamsburg.org).

Wednesday Evening: Pineapple Inn Community Group

This missions-focused community group meets at the Pineapple Inn on the first, second, and third Wednesday nights of the month (6:45-8:15 pm). We are hosting “game and conversation nights” with the Pineapple residents, including international (J1) students. This includes opportunities to engage residents (and each other) in gospel-centered conversations using the Beatitudes and parables of Jesus. If interested, please contact Clifton Bell at 757-206-9110 or cbell@brwncald.com.

Thursday Afternoon: River to River Community Group

This community group meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays from 2-4pm for fellowship, prayer, and a discussion of the previous Sunday sermon. We also seek to reach out by supporting jail ministry, local and international students, and international missionaries. If you have any questions, or would like more information, please contact Rob Smith at (757) 880-6683.

Friday Evening: Koch & Marquez Community Group

This community group meets every other Friday from 6-8pm. Good for families with older children. We will primarily meet at the home of Brian and Kelly Saul; all are welcome! If you are interested, please contact Rico Marquez or John Koch (ricomarq15@gmail.com; jkoch81230@gmail.com).

Thursday Evening: Monfreda Community Group

This community group meets every other Thursday starting at 6:30pm, primarily at the Doan’s residence. All are welcome! Please contact Caleb Monfreda (757-903-6536 or crmonfreda@gmail.com) if you have any questions or would like more information.

Monday Evening: Hess Community Group

This community group meets every other Monday at 6 PM. "Kid-friendly." All are welcome! If you are interested, please contact Peter Hess (peter@cfcwilliamsburg.org).

Monday Evening: Alden & Tennant Community Group

This community groups meets on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of every month from 6-8 PM for singing, prayer, fellowship, and study. Studying Ephesians. Designed to be convenient for college students! Contact Kris Alden (Kristopher.alden@gmail.com).

Wednesday Evening: King & Kelly Community Group

Every Wednesday from 6:30 PM to 9 PM. Christian Fellowship, prayer, praise and service. Studying the book of James. Contact Pete King ( jpk8377@gmail.com) or Vince Kelly (kelltv3@gmail.com).


We believe that making disciples is at the heart of the Christian life (Matt. 28:18-19), and while discipleship happens primarily on Sunday mornings, it also happens throughout the week, as we live the Christian life together (Eph. 4:15)! Like our Community Groups, these provide an opportunity for additional fellowship, as well as focused time of discipleship and study of God’s word or good Christian books.

Note: there are many other studies and discipleship relationships happening at Christ Fellowship that are not listed here. Our aim is not to have a long list of programs or formal discipleship events, nor to confuse these things for spiritual health. Rather, our goal is to create a culture of discipleship wherein members pursue one another’s spiritual good as a lifestyle! So, while these groups provide a good context for discipleship, we encourage disciple-making in our church to take place in a host of informal, member-initiated contexts as well: men meeting with men over coffee before work, mothers inviting single women into their homes to help care for their children, single men visiting ailing widows to read Scripture together, and the like!

For Youth (5th-12th Grades)

Youth Gatherings - Sunday Evening. Our youth gather every 2nd, 4th, and 5th Sunday from 5:00 to 7:00 pm for games, food, community, teaching, and discussion. We are currently studying the metanarrative of scripture, focusing on the "Big Picture" of the Kingdom of God. Because God has given parents the primary privilege and responsibility for discipling their children, parents are welcome and encouraged to participate in these gatherings. For more information about how to get involved, please contact Hannah Messer.

For Men

Men's Basic Training - Saturday Morning. All men are welcome and encouraged to participate in Men’s Basic Training. Ninety minutes of Bible study, fellowship, and prayer. We meet at CFCW the first and third Saturdays of every month at 8 AM. Our current study is on the Psalms. Contact Bob Morrison at 703-405-6330 or robertg5morrison@gmail.com with questions.

Friday Men’s Fellowship - Friday Morning. A number of our men meet at 7:30 a.m. on Fridays for a Bible Study, fellowship, and prayer. If you would be interested in joining or have any questions, feel free to contact Dan Roper at 757-869-6039 or dan.roper@cox.net. The group is currently studying the book of Isaiah.

Band of Brothers - Tuesday Evening. Band of Brothers is a study for young men age 18 and above to come together and encourage each other through the reading and discussion of books written by men of God. Currently studying the book of Daniel. Please contact Luke Messer for details (lukemesser27@gmail.com).

For College Students

College Lunch / Q-and-A - Sunday Afternoons. A couple times per month, we provide a FREE lunch for our students after a Sunday Service. During this time, we also have a Q-and-A about the Bible and the Christian life with one of our pastors. If you’re a student, we’d love to have you join us! Lunches this semester will be on September 1, 15, 29; October 13 and 27, November 10 and 24; December 8.

Romans Road - Sunday Night. Are you interested in learning more about the significance of the cross and developing a deeper understanding of the Gospel? Join us as we journey through the book of Romans to uncover life-changing truths contained in the Gospel. Led by Pastor Bryce Rader and W&M PhD candidate Trevor Stalnaker, this study, called "Romans Road," will provide a space for delving deep into the Good News. For more information, contact Bryce at bryce.cfcw@gmail.com. Meets every Sunday night starting on September 8th at 7:30 in the Washington Building Room 306.

For Women

Fall 2024 Women's Bible Study - There will be three Bible study opportunities for the ladies of CFCW this fall:

A Study through Titus: Wednesdays, 1:30-3:00PM. Lucy Hornor will be leading a Bible study on the book of Titus.  The study will be Wednesday afternoons from 1:30-3:00 (after our weekly prayer time) in the Truth Seekers Jr. room beginning September 18.  There is a sign up sheet located on the table in the front entryway.  Please bring $5 to the first study (either cash in an envelope marked with your name or a check made out to the church); please do not put the money in the offering box.  Please pick up your copy of the book on the front table.  If you have questions, please contact Lucy Hornor at billyboy@startmail.com.

A Study through John MacArthur’s Twelve Extraordinary Women: Thursdays, 10:00AM. Joan Marquez will be using John MacArthur's book Twelve Extraordinary Women to study the women of the Bible.  This study will meet at the church on Thursdays at 10 AM beginning September 12.  The cost for the books will be $5.  Please bring $5 to the first study (either cash in an envelope marked with your name or a check made out to the church); please do not put the money in the offering box. If you have any questions, please contact Joan Marquez at jmarquez1001@gmail.com.

A Study through Psalms: Thursdays, 6:00-7:30PM. Sylvia Pottle will be leading a Bible study on the book of Psalms at the home of Diana Fenger on Thursday evenings at 6 PM, September 26-December 12.  There is a sign up sheet located on the table in the front entryway.  Please bring $10 to the first study (either cash in an envelope marked with your name or a check made out to the church); please do not put the money in the offering box.  Sylvia will have the books at the first study.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Sylvia at 757-206-0223 or syl.pottle@gmail.com.

Coffee Talk - Time and Location Vary. Edifying conversations and “Titus 2” discipleship for young women over coffee and fun activities. Contact Amy Partlow (partlowfamily@yahoo.com).